
and Destinations

Our routes

Brittany Ferries is the leading operator on the Western and Central Channel. There are nine modern ships, continually refitted and modernized with the strictest regard for safety and comfort. With cruise ferries and a fast craft, daily sea links ensure that the company plays its part in the economic, cultural and touristic exchanges of the Atlantic Arc.


5h30 Portsmouth - Le Havre
5h45 Portsmouth - Caen/Ouistreham
4h15 Poole - Cherbourg
3h00 POrtsmouth - Cherbourg
8h45 Portsmouth - St Malo
6h00 Plymouth - Roscoff

14h00 Roscoff - Cork
18h00 Cherbourg - Rosslare 

19h00 Plymouth - Santander
24h00 Portsmouth - Santander
24h00 Portsmouth - Bilbao
29h00 Poole - Bilbao

26h00 Bilbao - Rosslare

Average duration, for reference


From footloose holidays to package breaks – Brittany Ferries is like a guide – leading the way to each destination


The world’s most popular tourist destination is surrounded by three seas and one ocean. It ‘s therefore natural that our British, Spanish and Irish neighbours head to our shores to enjoy so the contrasting charms of each region, and the gastronomic, luxurious and elegant splendours of the “Cradle of Enlightenment”.


Begin the holiday with a luxury cruise, sample the Spanish way of life, and discover Spain’s unique wealth of art and history – this is what we mean when we say Une autre idée du voyage. Madrid, Barcelona, Santiago de Compostela - these are just a few examples of the Spain’s architectural hotspots. And Spain is also home to an infinite wealth of breath-taking scenery, from its mountains to its coasts. And no visitor can leave unmoved by the culture and traditions which are deep-rooted in the hearts of the Spanish people.


With a departure every Friday evening, from April to October, the Roscoff-Cork route is the shortest sea crossing from France to Ireland. The wild beauty of Kerry and Connemara, the wealth of outdoor activities, the dramatic spectacle of the Giant’s Causeway – all this is equaled only by the legendary warmth and hospitality of the Irish People.

Great Britain

The great seafaring nation, whose breath-taking coastlines are dotted with charming ports, is a natural port of call for Brittany Ferries. Our destinations experts know all the Kingdom’s sites and our customers appreciate not only the landscapes but also the legendary eccentricity, all of which leaves the feeling like they’re in another world.


London is a historic and architectural show piece, as well as an iconic place for shopping. Our specialists guide our customers towards the not-to-be-missed sites, as well as meeting all accommodation and dining needs.


  • 06
    Today is D Day. We look back on a memorable VVIP voyage and look forward to carrying veterans home later this week
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  • 28
    Brittany Ferries, Wärtsilä and Incat partner on zero-emissions ferry project
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  • 15
    An honour for Brittany Ferries – carrying La Flamme de la Liberté from Cherbourg to Portsmouth
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Our People

Brittany Ferries - the story of many hundreds of passionate staff members enjoying fulfilling careers


A company proud to promote local and economic development
